The mission of ADA WebGuard® is to generate awareness of the importance of creating and maintaining Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliant Websites to enable those who have visual and other disabilities the ability to navigate all websites with freedom and confidence.
Our mission is to facilitate ADA website compliance to all those individuals and companies that market products and services on the Internet. To provide reliable compliance testing and expert ADA guidance to repair existing websites, create new websites to be ADA compliant in accordance with Federal ADA guidelines, and vigilantly maintaining websites to assure continued compliance. We shall certify, provide Expert Advice, provide Expert Affidavits of Certification, and provide Expert Testimony whenever necessary.
ADA WebGuard stands for excellence. The ADA WebGuard seal on websites certifies compliance to the highest Federal standard. All companies who display the ADA WebGuard seal have attained (ADA) Compliance indicating that they care and respect the rights of all others to have equal access to their websites